In 2022 MDL Strategic Communications was retained by a prominent electrophysiologist to help launch a new start-up medical device venture. The new company was brining a disruptive ablation technology to an already crowded market.

To start, a press release was issued announcing the new organization and its leadership. Simultaneously, mission and vision statements were developed to anchor the company’s value proposition. Pre-launch teaser materials and targeted media outreach helped to cement the organization’s presence. MDL Strategic Communications also created a new website which entailed managing the site build from conception to launch.
After a successful launch in late 2022, MDL Strategic communications continued managing CEO visibility and thought leadership activities during important industry events. This included the development of a social media strategy, multimedia content, and media partnerships.
The new company and its leadership was immediately embraced by industry peers and trade media as a disrupter in the ablation technology space. Website traffic increased significantly in the first three months which was a critical driver of attracting investment partners.